Hale MRI
Find the Exact Repairs You Need with Our Hale MRI Systen
At Sheffield Marine Propeller, Inc., we use the Hale MRI propeller analysis system for performing detailed and accurate propeller measurement. With the MRI’s comprehensive reporting capability, we can record and document the exact condition of your propeller, there by assisting you, our customer in determining the optimal repair service best suited for your needs.
The MRI features include:
- Measurements and reporting of pitch, rake, track, angular spacing, section face cambor, and other geometric features for any propeller.
- Durable rotary and linear encoders that provide continuous and highly accurate 3D readings to the computer for analysis and recording.
- Ability to compare one propeller to another, such as left hand vs right hand rotation, or two of the same rotation. This allows for exact matching of a propeller set.
- Permanent computer record of pre- and post- repair activities. We provide a post-repair print out to you, our customer as well as keep a copy on file here at the shop to ensure that we have the necessary information for subsequent repair services and future reference.
We guarantee repairs for all workmanship we provide.
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